DVDBuilder for C++  3.4
DVD Authoring Software Development Kit
<title> Element


Defines a Video Title Set (VTS) title.

   postNavigate="Menu=id;|Title=id;|Title=id; Chapter=num;"
Required Attributes
Attribute Option Description
id 1 to 99 Title unique identifier.
chapters 00:00:00

Specifies the playback times at which title chapters begin. The time is expressed in hr:min:sec string format.


The value "00:00:00; 00:01:00;" creates two chapters. The first chapter begins at 00:00::00 playback time and the second chapter begins at 00:01:00

Each title should have at least one chapter. If there is only one chapter the value of this attribute should be set to "00:00:00".

Note: The effective chapter start times will usually differ slightly from the specified times in the project file. According to the DVD-Video spec a chapter shall start on a GOP boundary (a Group of Pictures begins with an I-picture). If chapter time is not at an I-picture it is shifted to the next I-picture. Since the maximum GOP length is about 0.6 seconds, chapter start times may be delayed with up to 0.6 seconds.
For example: If chapter time is 00:00:02 and the GOP length is 0.6 seconds, DVDBuilder will create a chapter at the first GOP after 2 seconds or at 2.4 seconds.

Optional Attributes
Attribute Option Description
postNavigate Specifies the command that will be executed after the title playback.
Menu=id; Jumps to a menu. The menu can be any menu in the Video Manager(VMG) or a root menu from any of the Video Title Sets (VTS).
Title=id; Jumps to a specific title.
Title=id; Chapter=num; Navigates to Chapter with number "num" from Title with ID "id". Example: Title=1;Chapter=1;
Child Elements
Element Description
<videoObject> Specifies video content for the title.
<chapters> Specifies the playback times at which title chapters begin. This element overrides the attribute chapters.
<subpicturePalette> Specifies the palette that will be used for displaying sub-picture/subtitle streams. If you do not define the sub-picture palette all subtitles will be shown in white color.
<preCommands> Specifies the VM commands to be executed before a title is presented.
<postCommands> Specifies the VM commands to be executed after a title is presented.


A group of related video titles having similar display format (standard screen or wide screen) or aspect ratio comprises a Video Title Set (VTS). A single VTS can hold up to 99 titles. Each title can hold up to 10 Video Objects (VOB).

If <postCommands>child element is specified then the attribute "postNavigate" is not required. If both <postCommands>child element and attribute "postNavigate" are specified then the program will use only the <postCommands>child element.


The following example shows a DVD that has one title with two chapters. When the last chapter is played the DVD player will pause for 10 seconds and will navigate to the Video Manager menu.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dvd version='2.3' xmlns='http://www.primosoftware.com/dvdbuilder/2.3'>
<videoManager firstPlayNavigate='Menu=50001;'>
<menu id='50001' entry='title'>
<background file='menu_50001.mpg' />
emphasisColor2='#00FF00' />
patternColor ='#FF0000' patternContrast ='15'
backgroundColor='#000000' backgroundContrast='0'
emphasis1Color ='#000000' emphasis1Contrast ='0'
emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='0'/>
patternColor ='#0000FF' patternContrast ='15'
backgroundColor='#000000' backgroundContrast='0'
emphasis1Color ='#000000' emphasis1Contrast ='0'
emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='0'/>
patternColor ='#00FF00' patternContrast ='15'
backgroundColor='#000000' backgroundContrast='0'
emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='0'
emphasis1Color ='#000000' emphasis1Contrast ='0'/>
<button left='10' top='10' width='74' height='51' navigate='Title=1;' />
<title id='1' postNavigate='Menu=50001;' chapters='00:00:00;00:01:00'>
<videoObject file='1.mpg' pause='10'/>

The following example shows a DVD that has two title sets each with two titles in it. After the playback of each title the DVD Player will navigate to the next title. When the last title is played the DVD player will navigate to the first title and start the sequence again.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dvd version='2.3' xmlns='http://www.primosoftware.com/dvdbuilder/2.3'>
<videoManager firstPlayNavigate='Title=1;'/>
<title id='1' postNavigate='Title=2;' chapters='00:00:00;'>
<videoObject file='1.mpg' />
<title id='2' postNavigate='Title=3;' chapters='00:00:00;'>
<videoObject file='2.mpg' />
<title id='3' postNavigate='Title=4;' chapters='00:00:00;'>
<videoObject file='3.mpg' />
<title id='4' postNavigate='Title=1;' chapters='00:00:00;'>
<videoObject file='4.mpg' />