DVDBuilder for C++  3.4
DVD Authoring Software Development Kit
DVDBuilder.h File Reference


class  DVDBuilder
 This interface provides methods that enable an application to build a DVD video file structure. More...
class  DVDBuilderCallback
 The DVDBuilderCallback interface is implemented by the application to receive status information from the DVDBuilder object. More...
class  ErrorInfo
 Describes a DVDBuilder error. More...
class  InputDataStreamFactory
 The InputDataStreamFactory interface is a class factory for creating and destroying DataStream objects. More...
class  SubpictureEncoder
 DVD subpicture stream encoder. More...


 Top namespace for all libraries developed by Primo Software Corp.
 DVDBuilder(tm) Application Programming Interface.
 DVDBuilderError namespace.
 DVDBuilderStatus namespace.
 Describes the DVDBuilder facilities that could generate errors.
 Generic error codes.
 This namespace contains global functions for the DVDBuilder library.
 SubpictureEncoderError namespace.
 SubpictureEncoderImageMaskColor namespace.


enum  Enum {
  Success = 0,
  SystemWindows = 1,
  SystemMacOSStatus = 2,
  SystemMacMach = 3,
  SystemPosix = 4,
  VideoRecorder = 500,
  VRDevicePlugin = 501,
  VRDevice = 502,
  PBEngine = 503,
  DVDBuilder = 504,
  SubpictureEncoder = 505
 The ErrorFacility::Enum type describes the error source. More...
enum  Enum {
  WritingVOB = 1,
  WritingIFO = 2
 The DVDBuilderStatus::Enum type defines a range of status information. More...
enum  Enum {
  _ProjectErrorStart = 0x00000100,
  _ProjectErrorEnd = 0x000001FF,
  _VideoErrorStart = 0x00000200,
  _VideoErrorEnd = 0x000002FF,
  _AudioErrorStart = 0x00000300,
  _AudioErrorEnd = 0x000003FF,
  _BitmapErrorStart = 0x00000400,
  _BitmapErrorEnd = 0x000004FF,
  _MultiplexerErrorStart = 0x00000500,
  _MultiplexerErrorEnd = 0x000005FF,
  _OtherErrorStart = 0x00001F00,
  _OtherErrorEnd = 0x00001FFF,
  Success = GenericError::Success,
  InternalError = GenericError::InternalError,
  NoProject = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart,
  InvalidProjectXml = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 1,
  ProjectVersionMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 2,
  UnsupportedProjectVersion = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 3,
  VideoManagerMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 4,
  VideoManagerFirstPlayMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 5,
  InvalidButton = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 6,
  InvalidMenu = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 7,
  MenuIdMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 8,
  DuplicateMenuId = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 9,
  NoTitlesets = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 10,
  NoTitles = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 11,
  NoMenus = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 12,
  TitleIdMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 13,
  DuplicateTitleId = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 14,
  NoChapters = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 15,
  NoVob = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 16,
  VobFileMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 17,
  TooManyTitles = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 18,
  FirstChapterNotZeroTime = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 19,
  ChaptersOutOfOrder = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 20,
  InvalidChapterTime = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 21,
  InvalidProjectVobAspectRatio = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 22,
  InvalidProjectVobResolution = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 23,
  InvalidProjectVobFrameRate = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 24,
  MenuVobTooBig = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 25,
  ElementaryStreamFileMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 26,
  InvalidAudioEsFormat = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 27,
  InvalidElementaryStream = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 28,
  TooManyButtons = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 29,
  InconsistentTitleContentSpecified = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 30,
  ChapterFileMissing = DVDBuilderError::_ProjectErrorStart + 31,
  InvalidVideoFrameRate = DVDBuilderError::_VideoErrorStart,
  InvalidVideoFormat = DVDBuilderError::_VideoErrorStart + 1,
  InvalidVideoAspectRatio = DVDBuilderError::_VideoErrorStart + 2,
  InvalidVideoResolution = DVDBuilderError::_VideoErrorStart + 3,
  InconsistentVideoStreams = DVDBuilderError::_VideoErrorStart + 4,
  InvalidAudioFormat = DVDBuilderError::_AudioErrorStart,
  InvalidAudioFrequency = DVDBuilderError::_AudioErrorStart + 1,
  SubpictureEncodingError = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart,
  InvalidBitmapDimensions = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart + 1,
  UnexpectedBitmapColor = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart + 2,
  InvalidBitmap = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart + 3,
  UnsupportedBitmapCompression = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart + 4,
  UnsupportedBitmapColorDepth = DVDBuilderError::_BitmapErrorStart + 5,
  MultiplexerError = DVDBuilderError::_MultiplexerErrorStart,
  MultiplexerParams = DVDBuilderError::_MultiplexerErrorStart + 1,
  MultiplexerUnderrun = DVDBuilderError::_MultiplexerErrorStart + 2,
  DataStreamError = DVDBuilderError::_OtherErrorStart + 1,
  InvalidNavigationCommand = DVDBuilderError::_OtherErrorStart + 2,
  Interrupted = DVDBuilderError::_OtherErrorStart + 3
 The DVDBuilderError::Enum type defines a range of error codes which are returned by the DVDBuilder::error() method. More...
enum  Enum {
  Start = 0x00000600,
  End = 0x000006FF,
  Success = GenericError::Success,
  InternalError = GenericError::InternalError,
  SyntaxError = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 1),
  UnsupportedFeature = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 2),
  ReadImageError = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 3),
  InvalidBitmapDimensions = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 4),
  UnexpectedBitmapColor = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 5),
  SubpictureEncodingError = (SubpictureEncoderError::Start + 6)
 The SubpictureEncoderError::Enum type defines a range of error codes which are returned by the SubpictureEncoder::error method. More...
enum  Enum {
  Background = 0,
  Pattern = 1,
  Emphasis1 = 2,
  Emphasis2 = 3
 The SubpictureEncoderImageMaskColor::Enum type defines the subpicture mask color indexes. More...


DVDBuilder * createDVDBuilder ()
 see dvdb_create_dvd_builder
primo::license::LicenseInfocreateLicenseInfo ()
 see dvdb_create_license_info
SubpictureEncoder * createSubpictureEncoder ()
 see dvdb_create_subpicture_encoder
VR::VideoRecorder * createVideoRecorder ()
 see dvdb_create_video_recorder
dvdb_create_dvd_builder ()
 Creates a DVDBuilder. More...
dvdb_create_license_info ()
 Creates a new LicenseInfo instance. More...
dvdb_create_subpicture_encoder ()
 Creates a SubpictureEncoder. More...
dvdb_create_video_recorder ()
 Creates a VideoRecorder. More...
dvdb_set_license (const char *license)
 Sets a license string. More...
DVDBUILDER_API void DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_set_license_info (const char *pLicenseName, const char *pLicenseCompany, const char *pLicenseKey)
int32_t setLicense (const char *license)
 see dvdb_set_license


static const uint32_t InternalError = (GenericError::Start + 1)
 Internal error. More...
static const uint32_t Start = (0)
 This is not an actual error code. More...
static const uint32_t Success = (GenericError::Start + 0)

Function Documentation

DVDBUILDER_API primo::dvdbuilder::DVDBuilder* DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_create_dvd_builder ( )

Creates a DVDBuilder.

The caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is not needed anymore.

A pointer to the new DVDBuilder object.
See also
Object Management

Referenced by primo::dvdbuilder::Library::createDVDBuilder().

DVDBUILDER_API primo::license::LicenseInfo* DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_create_license_info ( )

Creates a new LicenseInfo instance.

A pointer to LicenseInfo object.
See also

Referenced by primo::dvdbuilder::Library::createLicenseInfo().

DVDBUILDER_API primo::dvdbuilder::SubpictureEncoder* DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_create_subpicture_encoder ( )

Creates a SubpictureEncoder.

The caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is not needed anymore.

A pointer to the new SubpictureEncoder object.
See also
Object Management

Referenced by primo::dvdbuilder::Library::createSubpictureEncoder().

DVDBUILDER_API primo::dvdbuilder::VR::VideoRecorder* DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_create_video_recorder ( )

Creates a VideoRecorder.

The caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is not needed anymore.

A pointer to the new VideoRecorder object.
See also
Object Management

Referenced by primo::dvdbuilder::Library::createVideoRecorder().

DVDBUILDER_API int32_t DVDBUILDER_CALL dvdb_set_license ( const char *  license)

Sets a license string.

The supplied license is appended to the library license state.

   @param license A string with license information.
   If the license string is <b>NULL</b> the library license state is cleared.

   @return The status after the license is set.
   The returned value is a combination of flags from the \ref primo::license::LicenseStatusFlags::Enum "LicenseStatusFlags" enum.

   @remarks A Demo build of the library cannot be licensed and always returns \ref primo::license::LicenseStatusFlags::DemoBuild "LicenseStatusFlags::DemoBuild".

   @version 3.0.1
See also

Referenced by primo::dvdbuilder::Library::setLicense().